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FS2004 RAF Hawker Tempest II

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FS2004 RAF Hawker Tempest II. MW774 HF-X from 54 Squadron of the Royal Air Force in late 1945. This package includes a new model.The Tempest Mk II was probably the cleanest radial engined fighter of the Second World War. The Centaurus engine and Tempest airframe proved an excellent match and the Centaurus was generally regarded as superior to the Sabre, particularly in terms of reliability. The Tempest II, despite its slightly improved performance and better reliability, never saw combat. Tempest IIs produced during the war were intended for combat against the Japanese, but the Pacific War ended before they could be deployed. This is a FSDS V2 model for FS2004. It features 2D and virtual cockpit, opening cockpit canopy, moving pilot's head and many other animations as well as lights and automatic special effects. By David Hanvey and Paul Barry. Air file by Jerry Beckwith. Original effects by Jan Rosenberg.

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