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FS2004 AFCAD2 Files For United Kingdom and Irish Airports v1. Files attached based on British Civil Aviation Authority documents are for London airports of Heathrow (EGLL), Gatwick (EGKK), Luton (EGGW), London City (EGLC), as well as Birmingham (EGBB), Manchester (EGCC), East Midlands (EGNX) and Edinburgh (EGPH). Other UK airports are: Stansted (EGSS), Aldergrove, Belfast (EGAA), Belfast City (EGAC), Eglinton, Londonderry (EGAE), Cardiff (EGFF), Bristol (EGGD), Bournemouth (EGHH), Southampton International (EGHI), Blackpool (EGNH), Leeds Bradford (EGNM), Dyce, Aberdeen (EGPD), Inverness (EGPE), Glasgow (EGPF), and Stornoway (EGPO). Irish airports are: Cork (EICK), Carnmore , Galway (EICM), Dublin International (EIDW), Connaught (EIKN), Farranfore, Kerry (EIKY), Shannon (EINN), Sligo (EISG) and Waterford (EIWF). By V.F. Holderness.

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