About This File
FS2000 Modified 737-400.gau. A modification of the Boeing 737-400 autopilot buttons, of the avionics master switch button and of the RMI fonts, which are all integral parts of the default 737-400.gau multi-gauge file in the ...\FS2000\gauges folder. In the RMI instrument the old-fashioned Courier New font has been replaced by a more modern quartz font. Furthermore, the bitmaps for the autopilot and avionics buttons have been modified to achieve better night lighting characteristics. Additionally, these buttons now display a slightly yellow touch when they are lighted from within. The AP digital readouts have been turned into red, which comes closer to the real 737 autopilot appearance. The package also includes a zip archive containing everything you need to replace the non-op default Reverser Unlocked Warning Lights (B737rev.zip). By Ulrich Klein.