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FS2004 Douglas DC-3 Three Fuel Tank Automixture Gauge. For three tank operation, this gauge may be of interest to those pilots who like to fly without checking the "Enable automixture" function in the "Aircraft/Realism Settings" pull-down menu, but want more DC3 realism than can be achieved with FS2004's simulation of mixture control. It requires prior installation of Beaumont and Bitzer's Douglas DC-3 Three Fuel Tank Modification, to be found in DC3_3TK.ZIP. Its purpose is to replicate the auto-rich and auto-lean settings on the mixture controls, including a fully functional mixture control. Its calibrated range of operation is from 3000 to 12000 feet density altitude. In the auto-rich position, it approximates the checked "Enable automixture" setting on the "Aircraft/Realism Settings" menu. In the auto-lean position, the mixture is leaned to increase the exhaust gas temperature about 30 degrees K. from auto-rich, and will increase achieved miles per gallon. By Dave Bitzer and Mark Beaumont.

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