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FS2004 Boeing 737-400 Panel

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1 Screenshot

About This File

FS2004 Boeing 737-400 Panel. This panel was rearranged from existing panels. The background bitmaps are put together from many real panel pictures. All the main gauges (throttle quadrant, radio stack, overhead panel) are displayed on the main panel. Landing, taxi, logo, panel, strobe, bcn and nav light switches, pitot heat, yaw damper, wing ice, oil temp and exhaust gas temp gauges, no smoking and seatbelt switches, auto start and engine start buttons can all be viewed on the overhead panel that is on the main panel. Some custom gauges created by Paul Golding. Fly in 1024 resolution or higher. By Targan Unutmaz. (See also TU734V1A.ZIP)

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