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FS2004 Canadian SAR Twin Otter

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FS2004 Canadian SAR Twin Otter. Textures only for the Lago DeHavilland DH6 Twin Otter. Improved Canadian SAR Twin Otters. This update includes a total of five SAR Canadian Forces Twin Otters, tail numbers 13801, 13803, 13804, 13805 and 13807. Every aircraft is new and an improvement on earlier repaints. The 805 is now a white as it should have been and not grey. A 13807 is now included in a different style and is in a mint condition. Included is a graduated range of aircraft conditions so now you will have everything from a brand new Canadian Forces Otter to an old worn out one with scratches, marks, weathering and plain and simple dirt and smoke. You will have current aircraft paint jobs, in use today, and older out of date paint jobs. You will now have a bit of everything and get an excellent feel of the Canadian Forces range of past and present Twin otters. By Peter Wilding.

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