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FS2004 Scenery--Hilo Int'l Airport

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FS2004 Scenery--Hilo Int'l Airport (PHTO), Hilo. Hawaii (HI). An all new Hilo airport right down to the last tree. The terminal has been completely re-worked, and is much more detailed, as is the hangar area. You can drive into the terminal and find check-in desks, along with building support beams. This airport is all open air, so there are no windows or doors. The scenery includes the rental car area just outside of the main airport entrance, the inter-Island terminal, parking lot, heliport for sightseeing tours of the volcanoes, new hangars and cargo buildings, landscaping, and a new animated bus macro from John de Langristin. All airport vehicles which had scale problems between FS2004 and 02 have been removed, so the scenery should also be compatible with FS2002. By Bill Melichar.

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