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Royal Air Maroc Boeing B735

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FS2002 ProjectAI RAM Royal Air Maroc Boeing B735. In the mid 1960's Boeing decided to develop a jet, smaller than the B727: The 737 has become the world's most successful jet airliner family. Announced in 1965 the 737 was originally designed for 60-85 passengers. But in the end Boeing decided together with the launching customer to provide space for 100 passengers. Many old parts of the existing B727 were used for the construction of the new twinjet (60% structural and systems commonality). Boeing decided to introduce a new location for the two engines, under the wings. This design made the 737 lighter in contrast to the B727. The 737-500 is the shortest member of the 2nd 737 generation also powered by CFM engines. All three models share the common aircrew type rating. The first -500 flight occurred on June 30th 1989.

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