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FS2002 RAF Leeming AFCAD

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About This File

FS2002 RAF Leeming AFCAD. An AFCAD File for RAF Leeming (EGXE) in North Yorkshire, UK. Adds runway 16/34, all taxiways and the following gates: GA Medium (suitable for Tornado aircraft):- A1 to A7 - on the waterfront in front of the hangars. H1 to H7 - in front of various hardened aircraft shelters. Small (suitable for C130 or VC10): B1 to B2 - on hardstanding on opposite site of airfield from hangars. RAF Leeming is a major Air Defence base operating Tornado F3 aircraft. This AFCAD has been designed to fit Steve Anderson's (payware) scenery of RAF Leeming. It is not compatible with the default scenery. By John May.

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