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Swiss International Airlines BAe 146-200

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FS2002 ProjectAI CRX Swiss International Airlines British Aerospace BAe 146-200. The BAe 146 first flew commercially in 1983. The aircraft was designed specifically to meet the demanding requirements of the regional air transport market where heavy utilisation over short sector lengths coupled with high reliability are paramount requirements. A total of 221 BAe 146s were built and 219 were delivered between 1983 and 1993. Three different length versions of the BAe 146 were built - the Series 100 with 70-84 seats, the 200 Series with 85-100 seats and the 300 Series with 100-112 seats. The aircraft was also manufactured as a pure freighter, a quick change variant and as a VIP transport aircraft. The aircraft is powered by four Textron Lycoming ALF 502R-5 turbofans. The aircraft's cruise speed is 377-425 kt.

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