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Cameroon Airlines Bombardier CRJ200

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FS2002 ProjectAI UYC Cameroon Airlines Bombardier CRJ200. Designed to provide jet efficiency and customer satisfaction, the Bombardier Regional Jet series are among the most popular regional jets. The first models, the -100 and -200, entered service in 1992 and revolutionized the short-haul, low capacity market. Variants include: 100/200, offering seating for 50 in single class configuration; 700, offering seating for 70 in single class configuration; 900, offering seating for 86 in single class configuration. All Bombardier CRJ's offer common crew qualification, maintenance and training procedures. The CRJ is powered by two GE CF34-3B1 engines and has a range of 1645 nm. The aircraft flies at a speed of 489 kt.

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