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CFS Mitsubishi Ki46-III_KAI

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CFS Mitsubishi Ki46-III_KAI. The Mitsubishi Ki46 Dinah, fighter version, called "Hyakushiki Shitei III-Kai (Dinah)" was a development of the Ki-46-III reconnaisance aircraft, with cameras deleted, though it reverted to a more conventional cockpit canopy arrangement, as the nose had to be fitted with twin Ho-5 20 mm cannon with 200 rounds per gun. An Ho-203 37 mm cannon with 200 rounds capacity was placed in a fixed mounting on the top of the aircraft to fire upward and forward at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal, similar to "Schrage Musik" weapons in German night fighters. Original KI 46-II / FS95 aircraft, converted to CFS with new panel, gunstations and repainted textures. Original by Herve Devred. Original panel by Jody O'Brien. Updates by Edmundo Abad.

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