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Transportes Aereos Nacionales de Selva Peru B732

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FS2002 ProjectAI ELV Transportes Aereos Nacionales de Selva Peru Boeing B732. With its long-range 707 and medium-range 727 already in service, Boeing turned its attention to a new short-range 737 to complement the fleet. The 737-100 and 200 are the first generation production models of the world's most successful jet airliner family. The 737 was conceived as a short range small capacity airliner to round out the Boeing jet airliner family beneath the 727, 720 and 707. Announced in February 1965, the 737 was originally envisioned as a 60 to 85 seater, although following consultation with launch customer Lufthansa, a 100 seat design was settled upon. Design features included two underwing mounted turbofans and 60% structural and systems commonality with the 727, including the same fuselage cross section.

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