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Swedline Beechcraft B1900D

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FS2002 ProjectAI SRL Swedline Beechcraft B1900D. The twin turboprop Beechcraft 1900 series was introduced in 1984 and has since become one of the world's most popular regional aircraft. The 1900 series includes the 1900C (combi, cargo/passengers), 1900C Exec-Liner (business), C-12J (military), 1900D (higher fuselage, freight doors, larger windows), all of which accomadate 19 passengers. The 1900D is manufactured by Raytheon. It has a length of 57.9 feet and a wingspan of 54.4 feet. The aircraft has a cruising speed of 331 mph and a range of 1,575 miles. The Beech Aircraft Corporation, now owned by Raytheon Aircraft, and often known as Beechcraft, is a manufacturer of general aviation and military aircraft, ranging from light single engine aircraft to business jets and light military transports. It was founded in 1932 by Walter H. and Olive Ann Beech.

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