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CFS Australian Sopwith Camel

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CFS Australian Sopwith Camel. This is the Sopwith Camel D1929 flown by Arthur Cobby during June of 1918. Cobby claimed 12 victories in D1929 comprising two in May and ten in June of 1918. Cobby's 13th victory was of Uffz Max Mertens on June 19th. The Camel was first flown on May 17, 1917, and was the Allies' premier fighter in WWI. The Camel demonstrated good handling and its armament of two 7.62 mm Maxim or two Vickers 0.030 machine guns was formidable. The name "Camel" was derived from the hump-shaped cover over the machine guns. By A.F. Scrub.

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