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FS2000 SNCAO ACA 5. On the 9th June 1939 the technical director of SNCAO , former Loire-Nieuport, M. Kerguistel received a letter from engineer A. Kolko. Recommended by M. Caquot, president of the SNCA firm A. Kolko proposed his plans for a new aircraft concept. Following this patent a tourist aircraft, a bomber and a fighter was suggested all with a very compact look. The main principle was to keep the concept compact by placing all elements of the construction as close to the center of gravity as possible, while still retaining great movability. Interested by this concept, M. Caquot ordered a wind tunnel model to be tested. On the 20th of June M. Kerguistel was ready with his first report. Despite the longitudal stability was reasonable the stability on the ground should be far less. Several modifications to the fins and rudders could only partially solve the problem. Most of the calculated performances were found correct but the air intakes for the radiator and the cooling of the engine was very doubtfull. In general it was concluded that the design had technical advantages, but a lot of problems too. By letter of the 22th June 1937 from M. Caquot all work at SNCAO was stopped. Maybe longer studies and tests could have resulted in a war winning fighter... Model and textures by Richard Alexander van Hien.

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