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FS98/FS2000/FS2002 Gann's Flight Plan

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FS98/FS2000/FS2002 Flight Plan for Ernest K. Gann's 1939 AM-21 Route. Taken from the pages of "Fate is the Hunter" this is Route AM-21 that Ernest K. Gann flew as a co-pilot and pilot in DC-2's and DC-3's in 1938-1940. Included are FS2002 ATC Flight Planner legs for the flight, as well as a text file with all headings, NAVAIDS, approaches and some life-saving tips for flying the route in bad weather. This can be used in any version of FS. Can be flown ATC or as a VOR flight with ILS's, or even as an NDB-only flight in keeping with the period. This is a multi-stop flight: Newark to Wilkes-Barre; to Syracuse; to Rochester; Buffalo; Erie, and finally to Cleveland. Each leg has a separate Flight Planner leg. An official Val-U-Prop VA flight. By James Underwood.

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