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FS2000/FS2002/FS2004 Gerrish's Trees Library release 3 - updated version. Complete trees object library, updated and re-issued as a single package. (Not to be confused with the series of Autogen tree replacements for improving the default trees in the FS2002 landscape)., see the separate downloads The package includes the trees library file itself and all required textures, with simple instructions for use with any sceneries, old or new, that state that they need "Gerrish's Trees Library". The textures come in two versions: the original set designed for FS2000/2 and an updated set for use with FS2002 only. Also included is a revised version of the SDK for scenery designers for the creation of sceneries incorporating these high-quality trees. The library provides 20 different styles of tree (including deciduous types, conifers, and a couple of palms), each available in a range of shapes and with various patterns of seasonal behaviour for use in different parts of the world, giving a total of 1600 variations, each of which can be used at any desired size, from a 1-2m high shrub to giant, 100m tall, forest firs. The 24 different API macros in the SDK allow the trees to be placed either as individual specimens or in various realistic groupings. Previous versions have had a total of about 20,000 downloads from the internet, not including downloads as part of third-party sceneries etc. Freeware by Gerrish Gray.