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CFS Scenery--Littoria Airfield

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CFS Scenery--Littoria Airfield. The "Littoria Airfield" scenery is fictional but an attempt to show a detailed depiction of the Italian airport of Littoria (current Latina) during WWII. Since before WWII this airfield was used for training activities by the Regia Aeronautica (today's Italian Air Force). From 1939 to 1943 it was the home of Scuola di Volo Senza Visibilite (Instrumental Flight School). During WWII it was highly damaged by allied bombers. Scenery includes some static planes including Fiat BR-20 and Macchi 202 taken from the flyiable versions created by "I Soliti Quattro Gatti" Group (Corrado La Posta and Alessandro Casadio). By Edmundo Abad.

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