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FS2002 Replacement AutoGen Tree Textures

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FS2002 Replacement AutoGen Tree Textures (third alternative version). A third alternative replacement for the AutoGen vegetation texture sheets that provide the trees in the FS2002 scenery (see GTL_AGEN.ZIP and MSTREES.ZIP for the others). This one is a second enhancement of the new set recently released by Microsoft as part of the AutoGen SDK. The number and variety of the trees is increased and undergrowth has been added to further increase the density of the tree cover. A number of other details have been modified to improve the overall appearance. Forests now have up to 3500 trees per sq km, compared with the scanty 600 of the original FS2002 release, and the tropics look more realistically 'tropical' with lush green bush below the palm fronds. By Gerrish Gray.

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