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CFS2 mission--Long-Distance Ferry Pack

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CFS2 mission--Long-Distance Ferry Pack. A collection of missions set in the North Atlantic and Pacific during World War II. These missions are unusual in that they do not involve combat (except one) but instead involve long-distance navigation and weather challenges. The North Atlantic missions describe the ferrying of P38s to Europe from North America, as was done in the summer of 1942. Pacific missions describe the ferrying of B17s to the Philippines from the US in the spring and fall of 1941. Runways are provided in the Pacific at Darwin, Honolulu and Manila and in the North Atlantic at Presque Isle, Dartmouth, Gander, Goose Bay, Narsarssuak, Sondre Stromfjord, Sydney, Keflavik, Sao Miguel (Azores), and Prestwick. By C. Burgess.

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