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FS2002 scenery--Maui Oil/Gas Rigs

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FS2002 scenery--Maui Oil/Gas Rigs v6.0, New Zealand. Bug fix and updates for v5.0. Includes custom rigs - Maui_A, Maui_B, FPSO, Maari, Oaonui (updated), Pohokura, HiwiHiwi, TawaTawa. Situated Taranakiand Gisborne and Wairarapa Coast. Scenery includes large lighted helipads, illuminated and animated windsocks, oil workers, moving machinery, rotating drills, ramp lights, animated buoys, night lights, chimney and smoke plume (wind), rotating radar. Includes actual NDB and fictional DME and ATIS. By Savern Reweti and Steve Chase.

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