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FS2000 Boeing 727-200 Re-Engined Super 27

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About This File

FS2000 Boeing 727-200 Re-Engined Super 27 .air file package. A collection of FS2K B727-200RE "Super27" .air and aircraft.cfg files to convert any Kevin Trinkle or Everardo Diaz 727-200 to a "Super27". In 1998, the American FAA approved modifications to re-engine older Advanced 727-200's with P&W JT8D-217/219 engines. Rohr/BF Goodrich provides the modification. The "Super27" has 30% more thrust, 10%-15% better fuel economy, and 1000 nm more range than the standard 727-200 Advanced and is Stage III noise compliant. The "Super27" .air files were created from real-world B727-200RE documentation. Smooth and accurate flight dynamics, realistic fuel burn, working EPR gauges, and FS2K auto-start are all modeled. Easy installation instructions included. By Charles Fox.

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