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CFS2 Chance Vought F4U-1 Corsair

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About This File

CFS2 Chance Vought F4U-1 Corsair "C" Model. An additional model of F4U1 Corsair featuring four 20 mm cannons in place of the standard .50 machine guns. This model was typically utilized as a ground attack aircraft. This aircraft is based on the default CFS2 F4U1-A and uses stock model, panel, sound, and air files. Using Martin Wright's weapons library update and his F4U1-C visual 20 mm cannon mods, armament loadout capabilities have been increased to reflect common ordnance used by the squadrons that flew the F4U1-C. Features ten different loadouts for air, ground, and ship attack with combinations of bombs, rockets, drop tank and napalm cannisters. A ground support brute. By Mark Smith.

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