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CFS2/FS2000 PBJ-1 Of VMB-413

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CFS2/FS2000 PBJ-1 Of VMB-413 stationed at Espiritu Santo in February of 1944 called "Waitin' n' Wantin'" in the standard Marine colors of the PTO. VMB-413 was the first naval squadron to be issued the PBJ in combat readiness. Over 700 PBJ's were received by the US Navy and a good amount were re-issued to the US Marines as land based bombers. Althought this was its primary role, they also served with the US Navy on ASW (anti-submarine warfare) patrols. The Navy issued these with special radar and replaced the standard bomb racks with racks to carry depth charges and torpedos. There was no other apparent reason for the Navy to receive these aircraft other then that there was such an abundant supply of them from the Army that the Navy and Marines were willing to try their luck with these aircraft based upon their successful war record. Original by Roger Dial. Flight model by Bruce Thorson. Sound by Mike Hambly. Repaint by J-P Demmerle.

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