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CaptainSim Boeing 767-II (For Prepar3Dv4+) Repaint : Japan Airlines JA622J "Dorajet '17"

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1 Screenshot

following my same work on SSP, I want to bring that paint to 4K texture using CaptainSim's Model 
So here you go, a Rendition of that JA622J wearing JAL special sticker....I hope you know that from the title.
Install using CS's ACES tool

Requires "GE model Expansion Pack" since its CF6, 4+4 doors model

What's New in Version 05/12/2024 07:03 PM


I forgot to flip tail texture so updated patch. Sorry for my clumsiness.
for new downloaders everything is fixed (as I reupload entire file)

if u wanna try conv'ting this repaint into CS's MSFS 767, just told others where do u get it from alr? point it here. Thanks.

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