About This File
This mission generally depicts the infamous flight of United Air 328 on 20 February, 2021. It begins on the ground at the gate of Denver International (KDEN). KDEN is 5431 feet above sea level, so you need all the help you can muster on takeoff. In real life UA328 lost #1 engine shortly after liftoff with a full payload of passengers, fuel and cargo. Thus your job is to get the plane back safely on the ground and save the 241 souls on board. You will taxi to Rwy 26 and takeoff following ATC instructions. You will maintain runway heading and climb to 9000'. After engine loss and declaring an emergency, ATC will direct you to the runway of your choice. But choose carefully for the best wind advantage.
Goals required for mission completion are:
Complete a 180* turn with single engine
Achieve 9000' on heading 080*
Intercept the IF (Initial Fix) at FUZZZ
Intercept the FAF (Final Approach Fix) at GRASP
Perform full stop landing with single engine power