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Piper PA-28-160C PL Update 1.1.0

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FSX Piper PA-28-160C Project Update stems from the development of Mike Stone's C337 Super Skymaster, to a 336 Skymaster, the prediseror of the Super Skymaster, that flew with fixed landing gear and a lower rated set of Continental Engines.  While going through service ceiling tests and the requirement of ground leaning practice of today, I found that a PERCENT LEAN digital meter was a better training gauge when leaning the engine(s) in that understanding the place of an EGT, just simply wasn't enough to get peak performance to estabilsh the figures, on the ground or at altitude.  I dug into my pilot manuals and found that at any altitude, the deisred ratio of fuel to air mixture was 8.2% a number I have yet to disprove.  The Piper PA-28-160C had a Percent RPM meter, this update changes it to the Percent Lean meter I believe does the trick, much better than a Percent RPM gauge.  A project by Ronald Prindle


Simply copy the entire "unzipped" file elements into the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Piper PA-28-160C Cherokee 2K2\panel.g1000\Editied_Gauges" folder on your PC.  

Edit the Panel.CFG text file in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Piper PA-28-160C Cherokee 2K2\panel.g1000" with these two lines to update the old RPM readout with Percent Lean.


gauge40=Editied_Gauges!Percent Lean 1 Meter,  917,744,77,44


gauge35=Editied_Gauges!Percent Lean 1 Meter,  570,361,50,29

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