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FS9 Quesnel CYQZ in British Columbia Canada Updated

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FS9 Quesnel CYQZ in British Columbia Canada Updated This is a new upload of Quesnel as the first one was incomplete; my fault. Quesnel is around 65 miles south of Prince George, at the junction of the Fraser and Quesnel Rivers. It has a population of less than 10,000 and is reliant on the timber industry and tourism (hiking, canoeing, fishing, hunting) in the surrounding area for it's income. The date for this scenery is, once again, around 2010. The airport is on the northern edge of the town and has a runway of 5,500 feet aligned 13-31 with PAPI at both ends. Because of the surrounding terrain runway 13 has a right hand VFR circuit. Parking for GA aircraft is organised by the Quesnel Flying Club in a grassed area adjacent to the concrete and asphalt apron. Also adjacent to the apron is the extraordinary terminal building, and next to that is the comparatively very ordinary building that houses the flying club. There are also the usual airfield and plane maintenance buildings, and at the southern end of the runway two private hangars. There is also a Fire Base housing personnel that either drive from the base or fly by helicopter to deal with forest fires at ground level. The AI included here is for Central Mountain Air and GA. I added to and adjusted the CYXS AI so that there are GA flights between CYXS and CYQZ, so just replace your current CYXS AI with this new one. The video gives a good view on runway 13. By Roger Wensley


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