About This File
FS98 Scenery: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Detailed scenery of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, southeast Cuba. This scenery includes the NAS Leeward Point Field (MUGM) in present layout with a 8,000 foot long runway. The runway 11 approach is legendary and one if the most challanging dut to the closed border which requires a very late almost 90 degrees right turn to avoid cuban terytory!, The airport got the original photoreal terminal/hangar, all further buildings, airport equipment and more. On the other side of the bay is McCalla Field, the naval habour and Camp Justice. Also included VOR, ATIS/ATC, ships, original signs and same little gimmicks you can discover on a Gitmo sight seen tour! This scenery was made by using newest satellit images by google earth, original airport charts, airport informations. Made by Andre Lederer (Lionworks)