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FS2004 AI Flightplan Generator (Excel Only)

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About This File

FS2004 AI Flightplan Generator (Excel Only). This is an Excel spreadsheet program based on the work of Rysiek Winawer (with Rysiek's blassing) who created the RPP flight plan generator. This version can create fleets at a varierty of bases and includes more features to help create more rational flightplans (such as timezone awareness and filtering destinations by airport types, runway lengths, surfaces, etc). It can be used to create 52 weekly flightplans for a group of aircraft, each week with the aircraft behaving differently so that within the space of a year, no two weeks will have eactly the same set of traffic at the same airports. It is best for creating flightplans for fractional jet operators etc, although you can influence where the AI aircraft are supposed to fly. Several spreadsheets are included, which hopefully will provide a few insights into how the planner is influenced in how it creates plans. There's a PDF instructional overview and some screenshots to peruse. I hope it works for you. Note that you need to say "OK" to macros being run by the planner. It's whole function is controlled by VBA macros and you need to allow those to run. For each fleet you create, a folder appears beside the planner containing all the flightplans you need. By Matthew Ministry/RF.

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