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FS2004 74x 52-week Flight Plans

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About This File

FS2004 74x 52-week Flight Plans. This archive contains raw (uncompiled) flightplan data for a variety of operators, both governmental, fractional, and general GA. They operate into airfields in the FS2004 airports list (the simulator I use) and utilize only freeware AI aircraft that are available online. This means that several fleets will be incomplete for other simulators where these extra aircraft might be available, or where there might be payware offerings. Should I acquire any payware AI in future, I will make plans for those aircraft in segregated files, but presently I have more than enough to make. There will be other smaller batches to come as and when they get made. I'm not very active in the simulator so this will be occasional, and not a production line. I plan to release a vanilla version of the Excel spreadsheet that creates these plans at some point in future. By Matthew Ministry.

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