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X-Plane 11.50+ BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1 2.1.4

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X-Plane 11.50+ BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1 2.1.4. The British Aerospace Sea Harrier is a naval short take-off and vertical landing/vertical take-off and landing jet fighter, reconnaissance and attack aircraft; the second member of the Harrier Jump Jet family developed. This model is a major upgrade of the Sea Harrier FRS1 with full 3D modelling and cockpit. It now has two liveries for 899 Naval Air Squadron, each of which were used before and after the Falklands conflict. 899 Naval Air Squadron was primarily a training unit operating out of Yeovilton. The lever to the right of the panel open/closes the cockpit. Please read the "flying notes.txt" file for further details. Version 2.1.4: There has been a really annoying shadow on the main panel on loading. I finally found out it was caused by reflection from the back panel object, so flipped the normals on the relevant faces which seems to have solved it. By Ray Hill.


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