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X-Plane 11 Cessna O-2A Mod 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11 Cessna O-2A Mod 1.0. This is a quick and dirty FMOD sound set for the X-Plane 9 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Philippe Gastebois (these files here are for X-Plane 11) This mod simply uses the default Cessna 172 FMOD sounds with the .snd file modified to simulate two engines. I also replaced the pilots with a single, modified Laminar Research pilot and civilianised the model, removing all weapons and military equipment, thus saving 300kg and helping the flight dynamics. A quick repaint and this is the result. It won't win any prizes, but I like the look of the Skymaster and I think this is worth a quick fling around the sky. It still retains its 2D panel. Note: this is Philippe's model, not mine and as such you must have his original aircraft installed for this to work: CESSNA_O-2A.ZIP. Overwrite the original files with the ones in this mod. By Dan Hopgood.

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