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FSX Danaus Airlines Boeing 737-247 Advance Fleet Pack

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FSX Danaus Airlines Boeing 737-247 Advance Fleet Pack. This is the pack of the new airline Danaus Airlines that stopped operations in 2013-2014 unexpectedly, it contains FAIB Boeing 737-200 Advance with all the registrations including the white aircraft that rest in Queretaro Intercontinental Airport with the Aeropostal DC-8. The registrations are: XA-URU, XA-URT, XA-UIU, XA-UIV, XA-UJC, White Colors (All the 3 aircrafts XA-UIU, XA-UIV and XA-UJC), Albine Colors (All the 2 aircrafts XA-URU, and XA-URT). All the aircraft were from the extinct Mexican airline "Aviacsa". The model is FSX AI Bureau (FAIB) Boeing 737-200 passenger basepack. By Jesus Gibran Soriano Solleiro.

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