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FSX Air Flamenco Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander

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FSX Air Flamenco Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander. Air Flamenco is a small fleet based in San Juan, Puerto Rico, which connects the main island with the smaller ones of Vieques and Culebra. They may occasionally fly to the US and British Virgin Islands. There are nine BN-2, three Shorts and a Trislander active to this date. This texture for Air Flamenco Trislander N920GD completes my previous Air Flamenco fleet (AIR_FLAMENCO_FLEET_2021.ZIP). Requires Michael Pearson's base model MPAI_BN2AM3_TRISLANDER_TRAFFIC.ZIP. The model should be compatible with FSX up to P3Dv3. Please refer to modeler's documentation. I've also added flight plans based on Flightradar24's and other websites. They are not 100% accurate but should provide an idea of the recent traffic. By Freddy Guerra.

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