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X-Plane 11.50+ Curtiss TS-1 Seaplane 2.0

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X-Plane 11.50+ Curtiss TS-1 Seaplane 2.0. The Naval Aircraft Factory TS-1 was an early biplane fighter aircraft of the United States Navy, serving from 1922 to 1929. The NAF provided Curtiss with the plans to build the aircraft, and the result, designated TS-1, arrived on May 9, 1922. The TS-1 from Curtiss was delivered with wheels, so the Naval Aircraft Factory (NAF) also designed wooden floats to enable their use on vessels other than aircraft carriers. The aircraft were slung over the side by crane or launched from capital ship catapults. Squadron VO-1 (aircraft modeled here) operated this way from 1922, and VF-1 flew its float-equipped TS-1s from battleships in 1925 and 1926. Credits goes to Beber for the use of his pilot. By Philippe Gastebois.

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