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X-Plane 11 Scenery--PATC - Tin City Alaska 1.0

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4 Screenshots

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--PATC - Tin City Alaska 1.0. This is PATC - Tin City LRRS in Alaska (AK), USA. This is another one for people who like to virtually explore remote areas. Tin City is a partially abandoned cold war era military airport not open to public use. The airport elevation is 269 feet, and although this is not well simulated in XP11, it is often inaccessible due to severe weather conditions. It has a single 4702 x 100 ft gravel strip oriented 16/34. This scenery provides the airport, the nearby radar installation, custom objects for the remains of the cable lift which was used to service the radome on top of the nearby hillside, and the buildings in the small military base just to runway west. See the images in Screenshots for details. Note that there is very little at the airstrip itself, both in real life an XP. I have put a few trucks on a nearby service road just so there's something 3D. The scenery is made to be used with Ortho4XP terrain. It's not required, but I highly recommend it. This scenery is made to work with the AlpilotX HD terrain mesh. Requires: CDB library (CDB_LIBRARY.ZIP), The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP), World Model Library (WORLD2XPLANE.ZIP), OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP), RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP), RD_Library (RD_LIBRARY.ZIP) and the RE Library (RE_LIBRARY.ZIP). Full details included in the package. By Vogon Zarniwoop.

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If my Alaska coastal postings that I made for FS9 can be useful for you just let me know. email is included in my postings but get it from a recent posting as the old one won't work. Roger Wensley
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