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X-Plane 11 Scenery--USA Wind Farms 1.2

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4 Screenshots

About This File

X-Plane 11 Scenery--USA Wind Farms 1.2. This package provides wind turbines for the entire United States, including Puerto Rico and outlying islands. This has been converted from the data provided by the US National Wind Turbine Database, combined with some hand created data from my USA_WA_Wind_Farms and USA_CO_Wind_Farms packages which fill in a few gaps in the national database. Some of the turbines are in very scenic places, such as along the Columbia River near the WA/OR border. I highly recommend to fly with decently color corrected Ortho4XP terrain (used in screenshots). Requires OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). Important: please read the included documentation in the package. By Vogon Zarniwoop.

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