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X-Plane Belfast TAC 1.0

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X-Plane Belfast TAC 1.0. Transmeridian Air Cargo was a British cargo airline that operated from 1962 until 1979 when it merged with IAS Cargo Airlines to form British Cargo Airlines which later became HeavyLift Cargo. It started off in Liverpool and expanded its operations from Ireland and France, to the Middle East and Africa, then to Hong Kong and Australia. TAC HeavyLift purchased five retired RAF Belfasts for commercial use in 1977 and operated three of them from 1980 after being reworked to receive commercial certification. G-BEPS (SH1822), was to have moved to Australia following refurbishment at Southend Airport, but was instead scrapped in October 2008. You can get the aircraft model here: SHORT_BELFAST.ZIP. By John Bray.

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