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FS2004 USMC Fairchild C-119F 700

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FS2004 USMC Fairchild C-119F 700. C-119F Flying Boxcars served the Marines for well over 25 years. While a cantankerous beast, the aircraft served the Marines quite well, and filled an essential Mission reqiurement until a better aircraft could be developed. While remembered for propeller failures, engine shutdowns,and landing gear malfunctions, the aircraft afforded the Marines an excellent airdrop platform and offered a rest and recreation escape for many of the men. The last of the C-119F's went into storage at MASDC in July 1975. Textures only. You must have Daisuke Yamamoto's C119fix.zip. Most of the textures were by Ted Giana...tail squadron/aircraft numbers, and prop textures, by James Craig.

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