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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Aberdeen Energy Park Heliport (H) 1.1.0

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Aberdeen Energy Park Heliport (H) 1.1.0. XAEP Scottish Wings Aberdeen Energy Park Heliport (H). Welcome to the (fictional) Aberdeen Energy Park Heliport operated by Scottish Wings. The heliport was recently opened on the 1st May 2021 and services the nearby Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre as well as the Energy Park. This has been in the planning for many years, however it took quite some effort to get planning permission for a site so close to the city! For the scenery to work as it does on my machine, you will need the latest versions of the following libraries: The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP), 3D People Library (3D_PEOPLE_LIBRARY.ZIP), World Model Library (WORLD2XPLANE.ZIP), ALES Developer Library (ales_dev_lib.zip), PM Object Library (PM_LIBRARY.ZIP), and the CDB library (CDB_LIBRARY.ZIP). A massive thank you to the authors for all their great work. This has been created to work with Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain North, however it should also be OK with the base mesh. I set up the scenery with Runways Follow Terrain Contours switched on, as that seems to work best for me. I also suggest you install the file below if you want the offshore windfarm as well as various other local features: b_uk_aberdeen_bridges_2_5.zip. Constructive comments and feedback always welcome. By Stuart McGregor.

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