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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--KMEI-Key Airport

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About This File

FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--KMEI-Key Airport. Key Airport (KMEI) is located in eastern central Mississippi (MS), USA and is a publicly owned, public use facility established in April, 1940. the airport was initially established in November, 1930 and had a very interesting early history. For more info, check out Meridian Regional Airport on Widipedia.com . KMEI features a 10003 x 150 ft lighted asphalt/Concrete runway with a 4-light PAPI left side both ends plus a MALSR 1400 ft medium intensity approach lighting system both ends. Also a 4599 x 1150 ft lighted asphalt runway with a 2-light PAPI left side both ends.The runways are aranged in a modified cross pattern. The airport has a lighted wind indicator in a segmented circle and a sunset to sunrise land airport beacon. The airport is home to 76 aircraft - 46 single engine, 5 multi, 5 jet, 1 heli, 1 glider and 18 military. This version came about as an attempt to provide a more accurate version of the airport and the surrounding area using the stock FSX scenery with no add-ons. The project uses all freely available libraries and is an approximate representation of the airport. By Frederick Zealor.

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