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FS2004 Scenery--Port Lyautey Naval Air Station

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FS2004 Scenery--Port Lyautey Naval Air Station, French Morocco, for the period 1957-1962. With a custom hangar by Dan French, AI aircraft by various authors and repaints of the C-121C by Ken Lawson and Frank Gonzalez; also a military traffic file which recreates the French and U.S. military traffic of the period. Intended primarily for use in the California Classics world created by Tom Gibson and the CalClassics Community. By Ken Lawson and Al Von Pingel.

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Great effort to put all this together. Unfortunately cannot fly in IFR, since the repetitive auto weather observation message blocks approach transmission 125.1 and the controller cannot be acknowledged therefore cancelling IFR.
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PS, see a post about this in FLYAWAY from 16 years ago:

I flew an IFR flight from Malaga (south spain) to fes (morocco). when I got halfway acroos the stratits of gibraltar. I got handed over to casablanca center on 125.10. I was given an instruction by casablanca but I was unable to respond because there was an automatic weather service constantly looping round for GMFU. The ATC was able to send me messages but I could not respond whilst the AWS was bleating on ( i just kept getting the squelch noise).

In the end the ATC canceld my IFR because I never got back to it and I had to go VFR to fes and then request a full stop.

Can some one head out over morocco tune to 125.10 and see if this is a bug in the sim or if it is peculiar to mine?

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Hi, while developing this scenery I got the same thing. I changed some frequency%u2019s around but it didn%u2019t seem to solve the problem. I only fly VFR in this time period so it wasn%u2019t to big of an issue. I will take another look and see if another solution to this can be found.


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