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X-Plane 11.50+ Northrop YF-23 Blackwidow 1.4

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X-Plane 11.50+ Northrop YF-23 Blackwidow 1.4. Thanks to David Austin for allowing me to update and post his YF-23 Black Widow from X-Plane 8. Thanks also to G-RJWA for adding VR compatibility to V1.3. It's a very interesting aircraft, both to look at and fly, and also has a cool 3D cockpit with great ideas. To convert to X-Plane 11, I had to update the airfoils and fuselage obj, and also update the GPS to the X-Plane 11 model. This aircraft carries four AMRAM's in a weapons bay, for which there is an "open" switch. The missile is designed to drop for one second first, before the motor kicks in. By Alan Ashforth.

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