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X-Plane 11.40+ de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen 2.2.1

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X-Plane 11.40+ de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen 2.2.1. The DeHavilland DH110 Sea Vixen is a British twin-engine, twin boom-tailed, two-seat, carrier-based fleet air-defence fighter flown by the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm during the 1950s through the early 1970s. Davide De March has kindly given me permission to re-publish his original work from X-Plane 9; in this case his de Havilland Sea Vixen (sea-vixen_scimitar_v9.zip). There are two version contained within this download: FAW1 and FAW2. Please see the included documentation for further details and credits. Version 2.2.1: minor update on FAW1, added opening nosecone to show radar (operates off wing folding/dihedral lever). By Ray Hill.

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