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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Ciudad de Catamayo Airport (SECA) 1.0

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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Ciudad de Catamayo Airport (SECA) Ecuador 1.0. Ciudad de Catamayo Airport serves the city of Loja and its surroundings in the Loja province, Ecuador. It is located in the valley and city of Catamayo / La Toma only 9.8 NM (18 KM) W of Loja. This airport was originally named Camilo Ponce Enríquez, but was renamed after a new terminal was built in 2013. Requires the following object libraries: R2 Library (R2_LIBRARY.ZIP), CDB library (CDB_LIBRARY.ZIP), 3D People Library (3D_PEOPLE_LIBRARY.ZIP), The Handy Object Library (THE_HANDY_OBJECTS_LIBRARY.ZIP), OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP), FlyAgi (FlyAgi_Vegetation.zip), MisterX Library (MISTERX_LIBRARY.ZIP), AR_Library (ar_library_xp.zip), RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP), Flags of the World (FLAGS_OF_THE_WORLD.ZIP), BS2001 Object Library (BS2001_OPEN_ME.ZIP), The FAIB Aircraft Library (THE_FAIB_AIRCRAFT_LIBRARY.ZIP) and the RD_Library (RD_LIBRARY.ZIP). Please see the included documentation for more information. By Sandro Rota - Ecuador Aviation Photography.

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