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X-Plane 11.50+ HMS Leander (Type 12I) 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11.50+ HMS Leander (Type 12I) 1.0. The Leander-class, or Type 12I (Improved) frigates, comprising twenty-six vessels, was among the most numerous and long-lived classes of frigate in the Royal Navy's modern history. The class was built in three batches between 1959 and 1973. It had an unusually high public profile, due to the popular BBC television drama series Warship. The Leander silhouette became synonymous with the Royal Navy through the 1960s until the 1980s. There are two versions included in this download. One is a taxiable aircraft, the second is a static which may be used as dockyard scenery, or as a USS Perry substitute. Remember to backup your existing Perry file. Please see the included documentation for further details. By Ray Hill.


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