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FS2004 Scenery--UK Private Strips

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FS2004 Scenery--UK Private Strips. Herewith my previously uploaded collections of various private/extra/grass/microlight/miscellaneous etc. airfields from around England and Wales, all now in one place and re-edited with parking and taxiways for the facilitation of AI aircraft. Please note: these sceneries have been designed for use in FS2004 with the original UK VFR Photographic scenery and mesh. They rely for details on the "usual" collections of library objects, specifically EZ-Scenery, UKVFR and Rwy12 libraries. Whilst other configurations will probably work, to a degree, you'll have to try them and see if they suit you. See the enclosed ReadMe for further details. By Chris Eve.

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It won't start up FS2004 and it has frozen. I removed it. It works fine. It has something goes wrong with your files.




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These files were copied straight from my fully functioning installation %u2026 if your system freezes there's probably some other scenery on your system clashing with my files. Not a lot I can do to help except suggest you remove all my sceneries and add them back a few at a time until you find the culprit(s). At least I didn't compile them all into one big file before uploading them ;)
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