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X-Plane 11 Scenery--Lofty Redwoods Airport 53CL California 1.0

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About This File

X-Plane 11 Scenery--Lofty Redwoods Airport 53CL California 1.0. This scenery package contains Lofty Redwoods Airport (53CL) and custom ortho-overlay (ZL19). Lofty Redwoods Airport is an airstrip on a rolling mountain ridge close to the ocean approx. 50nm west of Santa Rosa, California, USA. It has a 3200' long gravel strip. Its location, the large trees surrounding it and its narrowness makes it a challenging place to fly into and out of. Lofty Redwoods is a good stop-over point while buzzing up and down the Californian coast. You are always welcome to pitch your tent next to the runway. The nearby gas station provides all basic necessities. This scenery requires the following object libraries: RA Library 1.2+ (RA_LIBRARY.ZIP), NAPS Library (NAPS_LIBRARY.ZIP), RuScenery (RUSCENERY.ZIP) and the RD_Library (RD_LIBRARY.ZIP). Please see the included documentation for further details (including how to install). Uploaded to FlightSim.Com by Wookie042.

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